Thursday, September 16, 2010

How to savecore in solaris

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usually if the system is experiencing panic, then the investigation which is conducted from the coredump, but sometimes not coredump file is created .. follows the steps to be able to make the coredump file

root # tail -f /var/adm/messages | grep savecore
Sep 14 11:08:58 myserver savecore: not enough space in /var/crash/myserver (2094 MB avail, 3634 MB needed)

hohoho...size in /var not enough for save this coredump..

root # df -h /tmp
swap 47G 255M 46G 1% /tmp
root # mkdir /tmp/corecore
root # cd /tmp/corecore
root # savecore -Ld .
dumping to /dev/dsk/c0t9d0s0, offset 65536, content: kernel
100% done: 282920 pages dumped, compression ratio 4.86, dump succeeded
System dump time: Tue Sep 14 13:38:16 2010
Constructing namelist ./unix.0
Constructing corefile ./vmcore.0
100% done: 282920 of 282920 pages saved
root #

savecore with option :
-L Save a crash dump of the live
running Solaris system, without actually rebooting
or altering the system in any way.
-d Disregard dump header valid flag. Force
savecore to attempt to save a crash dump
even if the header information stored on the
dump device indicates the dump has already
been saved.

--- $ ---
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Adding size volume existing in veritas

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Today i have request from customer for add size mountpoint in veritas environment, Ok lets begin..

Name Disk Group : serverdg
Name Volume : logging

1. Check free size in disk group serverdg

root # vxassist -g serverdg maxsize
Maximum volume size: 472766464 (230843Mb)

2. Add size 5 Gb as requested by user
root # vxresize -g rb34dg log 5g
UX:vxfs fsadm: ERROR: V-3-23544: sectors must be >= 62914561 as they are currently in use.
VxVM vxresize ERROR V-5-1-7514 Problem running fsadm command for volume log, in diskgroup serverdg
root #
Based on the description on the web Symantec, error V-3-23544 (The vxresize command will produce the V-3-23544 error message when the target size is too small for file space currently in use.) resolution : Adjust the resize command plus '+' sign.

root # vxresize -g rb34dg log +5g
UX:vxfs fsadm: ERROR: V-3-20340: attempt to resize /dev/vx/rdsk/serverdg/logging failed with errno 28
UX:vxfs fsadm: ERROR: V-3-23643: Retry the operation after freeing up some space
VxVM vxresize ERROR V-5-1-7514 Problem running fsadm command for volume log, in diskgroup serverdg
root #

ehm..check size filesystem :
root # df -h | grep log
/dev/vx/dsk/serverdg/logging 30G 30G 0K 100% /productions/var/log

ok..for solving this case, first must be clean up filesystem until below 100% from application customer side..after that execute again a command vxresize.
root # vxresize -g rb34dg log +5g
root #
root # df -h | grep log
/dev/vx/dsk/serverdg/logging 35G 30G 5.3G 85% /productions/var/log
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