Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Administrasi singkat SUN Fire E25K

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Berikut list administrasi super singkat tapi mudah-mudahan bisa digunakan oleh anda semua, berguna untuk administrasi server kelas high end SunFire E25K..memang tidak komplit banget,jadi maafkan saya yg bodoh ini.

How many domains 15/25k can support ?
18 domains

How many groups exist on platform ?
Three -> platadm,platoper,platsvc

How many types of groups exists on domains
Two. -> dmnadmn,dmnarcfg

What is the command used to add user to a group ?
Smsconfig –a –u username –G platadm platform

what is the command to list the users ?
smsconfig –l platform

How to check the platform information ?

How to login to domain console from sms console ?
Console –d A

What are the different paths through which sc can communicate to domain ?
- Through I1 Man network
- Through IOSRAM

How we can toggle communication between I1 to IOSRAM incase if the domain console hangs ?

How to disconnect domain console ?

How to break to domain OK prompt ?

How do you access the system controller if it hangs ?
Issue smsconnectsc from sparesc

How do you reset the System controller ?
Issue resetsc from another sc

How do you remove user from a group ?
Smsconfig –r –u username –G platadm platform

Whats the command to use to update the flash ?

What command to use to reset domain from sc?
reset –d A

How to stop and restart SMS ?
/etc/init.d/sms stop
/etc/init.d/sms start

What is the main daemon which starts reset of the SMS daemons ?
Ssd ( Sms Startup Daemon )

How many daemons running on SMS ?
13 ( dsmd,efe,esmd,fomd,frad,hwad,kmd,mand,mld,osd,pcd,ssd,tmd)

How many agents running on SMS ?
2 ( dca , dxs)

Where are the log files located for platform messages ?

Where are the log files located for Domain messages ?

Where are the log files located for Domain console ?

How to make the boards available to the domain ?
Setupplatform –d A SB0 IO0

Whats the minimum requirement for a domain setup?
1. At leaset one CPU board with Memory
2. At least one IO board
3. At least one board with network interface

How to Add name to domain ?
addtag –d A testname

How to delete domain tag ?
deletetag –d A testname

How to add board to domain from system controller ?
Addboard –d A SB0

How to just assign board to domain from system controller ?
Addboard –d A -c assign SB0

How to remove and reconfigure board from a domain from system controller ?
Deleteboard SB0

How to just unassign the board from domain from system controller ?
Deleteboard–c unassign SB0

How to move boards between the domain from system controller ?
Moveboard –d A SB1

How to remove all instances of previously active domain ?
Sc0:> setdefaults –d A

How to check the boards status ?

How to obtain the domain status ?
Showplatform –d B

How to set date for sc ?
Setdate xxxxxxxxxx

How to set date for domain from sc ?
setdate –d B xxxxxxxxx

How to display the date on sc ?

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IPMP Solaris multipathing

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Kemarin pasang multipathing di solaris sun v440,

Device LAN nya dideteksi sebagai ce2 and ce6, IP untuk ce2 dan ce6 untuk virtual digunakan IP

root@S440A # ifconfig ce2 plumb netmask + broadcast + group group1 deprecated -failover up
root@S440A # ifconfig ce2 addif netmask + broadcast + failover up
root@S440A # ifconfig ce6 plumb netmask + broadcast + group group1 deprecated -failover standby up

Untuk membuat permanent configuration,buat file seperti ini

root@S440A # vi /etc/hostname.ce2 netmask + broadcast + group group1 deprecated -failover up addif netmask + broadcast + failover up

root@S440A # vi /etc/hostname.ce6 netmask + broadcast + group group1 deprecated -failover standby up

untuk cara testingnya :
masukkan dua kabel yg sudah dikonfigure oleh team network ke ce2 dan ce6, kemudian dari server/host lain coba ping atau dengan option -s. Setelah itu baru test cabut kabel network ce2, dipastikan proses pin terus berjalan.
Lalu test untuk ce6, masukkan/colokkan kembali kabel utp tadi yg dilepas ke ce2, lalu cabut kabel ce6nya.lihat hasilnya.....
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Tuesday, September 01, 2009

How to setting user only can ftp in solaris

9 komentar
Sometimes we want to create a user who entered the system can only be run ftp, how can make it ?

1. Add user for only can ftp
root # useradd -u 2009 -g 10 -d /export/home/userftp -c "Ftp user only" -m -s /bin/false userftp
64 blocks

root # more /etc/passwd
userftp:x:2009:10:Ftp user only:/export/home/userftp:/bin/false

root # passwd userftp
New Password:
Re-enter new Password:
passwd: password successfully changed for userftp
root #

create file /etc/shells, because by default this file not found in system
root # more /etc/shells
/etc/shells: No such file or directory
root #

root # vi /etc/shells
# add this line

Now we check, after setting userftp only can ftp no telnet and ssh...
root # ftp localhost
Connected to localhost.
220 myhost FTP server ready.
Name (localhost:root): userftp
331 Password required for userftp.
230 User userftp logged in.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> bye
221-You have transferred 0 bytes in 0 files.
221-Total traffic for this session was 229 bytes in 0 transfers.
221-Thank you for using the FTP service on myhost.
221 Goodbye.

root # telnet localhost
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

SunOS 5.9

login: userftp
Last login: Tue Sep 1 21:48:29 from localhost
Connection to localhost closed by foreign host.

root # ssh userftp@localhost
userftp@localhost's password:
Last login: Tue Sep 1 21:49:22 2009 from localhost
Connection to localhost closed.
root #

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How to Setup Solaris 9 after instalation

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When finished installing the OS on the system, the following steps to improve the OS configuration :
1. Install Patches

Insert DVD EIS to cdrom/dvdrom device
root # cd /cdrom/eis-dvd/sun/install
root # ./setup-standard.sh
root # . /.profile
root # cd /cdrom/eis-dvd/sun/patch/9 ---ini bisa disesuaikan dengan solaris serinya
root # unpack-patches /tmp
root # cd /tmp/9
root # eject ----buat ngeluarin cdrom
root # ./install_patches

2. Setting IP address
syntax : #ifconfig [interface] plumb

root # ifconfig bge0 plumb
root # ifconfig bge0 netmask broadcast + up

3. Setting Hostname
root # vi /etc/hosts localhost sunmc sunmc.com loghost

4. Edit File :
root # vi /etc/hostname.bge0

root # vi /etc/defaultrouter

root # vi /etc/inet/netmasks

If we want to enable telnet, do as the following configuration :
root #vi /etc/default/login
put a # in the following lines

For setting FTP
root #vi /etc/ftpd/ftpusers
put a # in the following lines

For Setting ssh :

root #vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PermitRootLogin no ---> replace no with yes

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