Monday, August 24, 2009

Rlogin (Remote Login) in solaris

Apa itu Rlogin? menurut definisi yg saya tau sih, supaya kita bisa masuk dari system 1 ke system 2 dengan tanpa meminta password root lagi (agak riskan sih, dan sebenarnya tidak disarankan oleh audit security system) kalo menurut manual systemnya rlogin adalah
rlogin establishes a remote login session from your terminal to the remote machine named hostname. Hostnames are listed in the hosts database, which may be contained in the /etc/hosts file, the Network Information Service (NIS) hosts map, the Internet domain name server, or a combination of these. Each host has one official name (the first name in the database entry), and optionally one or more nicknames. Either official hostnames or nicknames may be specified in hostname.

Berikut langkah-langkah untuk rlogin yg dimaksud :
1. Cek Daemon rlogin,
root # more /etc/inetd.conf

# RLOGIND - rlogin daemon (BSD protocols)
login stream tcp6 nowait root /usr/sbin/in.rlogind in.rlogind

root # ps -ef | grep inetd
root 147 1 0 Aug 01 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd -s
root 24051 24027 0 12:18:00 pts/4 0:00 grep inetd

root # kill -HUP 147

root # ps -ef | grep rlogin
root 6262 178 0 11:38:54 ? 0:00 in.rlogind
root 7972 6264 0 12:21:22 pts/4 0:00 grep rlogin
root #

2. tambahkan host yang akan di rlogin
root@HOST-A # more /etc/hosts.equiv
+ root

root@HOST-A # ls -ltr /etc/hosts.equiv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 19 Aug 6 11:21 /etc/hosts.equiv
root #

root@HOST-A # more $HOME/.rhosts
+ root
root #

3. tambahkan host yang akan di rlogin
root@HOST-B # more $HOME/.rhosts
+ root
root@HOST-B #

root@HOST-B # more $HOME/.rhosts
+ root
root@HOST-B # more /etc/hosts.equiv
+ root
root@HOST-B # ls -ltr /etc/hosts.equiv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 17 Apr 21 2007 /etc/hosts.equiv
root@HOST-B #

*gambar diambil dari

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