Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Setting SC SunFire T2000
Langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut :
1. Connect ke serial management port (lihat gambar diatas)
2. Masukan User + password
3. Mulai setup System Console
sc> setupsc
Entering Interactive setup mode. To exit and discard changes to that point, use Ctrl-C or to exit and save changes to that point, use Ctrl-Z.
Do you wish to configure the enabled interfaces [y]? y
Should the SC network interface be enabled [y]? y
Should the SC email alerts be enabled [y]? n
Do you wish to configure the network interface [y]? y
Should the SC use DHCP to obtain its network configuration [n]? n
Enter the SC IP address []?
Enter the SC IP netmask []?
Enter the SC IP gateway address []?
Do you wish to configure the network management interfaces [y]? y
Enter the number of mail servers to configure [0]? 0
Do you wish to configure the SC parameters [y]? y
Enter any customer data for this platform (maximum of 40 characters) []? MyCompany
Enter the console session escape sequence (2 characters). The first character can be any printable characters or control-A through control-Y except for control-C, control-D, control-H, control-J, or control-M. The second character must be a ".". [#.]? #.
Enter level of events to be displayed over the CLI where valid settings are 0 (none), 1 (critical), 2 (critical and major) and 3 (critical, major and minor) [2]? 2
Should poweron sequencing be enabled [y]? y
Enter the SC cli prompt (maximum of 16 characters) [sc]? Myhost-sc
Enter the SC CLI timeout in seconds (maximum of 10000s) [0]? 0
Should password entry echo '*'s [y]? y
Your ALOM configuration profile has been successfully completed. To activate your network configuration, please reset the SC.
sc> resetsc
Are you sure you want to reset the SC [y/n]? y
User Requested SC Shutdown
Dual Port Memory Test, PASSED.
TTY External - Internal Loopback Test
TTY External - Internal Loopback Test, PASSED.
TTYC - Internal Loopback Test
TTYC - Internal Loopback Test, PASSED.
TTYD - Internal Loopback Test
TTYD - Internal Loopback Test, PASSED.
Memory Data Lines Test
Memory Data Lines Test, PASSED.
Memory Address Lines Test
Slide address bits to test open address lines
Test for shorted address lines
Memory Address Lines Test, PASSED.
Boot Sector FLASH CRC Test
Boot Sector FLASH CRC Test, PASSED.
Return to Boot Monitor for Handshake
Status = 00007fff
Returned from Boot Monitor and Handshake
Loading the runtime image... VxWorks running. Starting Advanced Lights Out Manager CMT v1.1.6 Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Current mode: NORMAL
Attaching network interface lo0... done.
Attaching network interface motfec0.... done. Booting from Segment 0
SC Alert: SC System booted.
Full VxDiag Tests
Read the TOD Clock: SUN AUG 11 18:40:27 2002
Wait, 1 - 3 seconds
Read the TOD Clock: SUN AUG 11 18:40:29 2002
50 BYTE PACKET - a 0 in field of 1's.
50 BYTE PACKET - a 1 in field of 0's.
900 BYTE PACKET - pseudo-random data.
Full VxDiag Tests - PASSED
login :
MyHost-sc >
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Setting RSC SunFire V890
Berikut cara setting RSC (Remote System Console) untuk server SF V890 :
1. Login as root
2. Go to folder rsc
root # cd /usr/platform/`uname -i`/rsc
3. Do configure RSC
root # ./rsc-config
Continue with RSC setup (y|n): y
Set RSC date/time now (y|n|?) [y]:
Server Hostname [SFV890-SC]:
Edit customer info field (y|n|?) [n]:
Enable RSC Ethernet Interface (y|n|s|?) [n]: y
RSC IP Mode (config|dhcp|?) [dhcp]: config
RSC IP Address []:
RSC IP Netmask []:
RSC IP Gateway []:
Enable RSC Alerts (y|n|s|?) [n]: y
Enable Email Alerts (y|n) [n]:
Enable RSC Serial Port Interface (y|n|s|?) [n]: y
Serial port baud rate (9600|19200|38400|57600|115200) [9600]:
Serial port data bits (7|8) [8]:
Serial port parity (even|odd|none) [none]:
Serial port stop bits (1|2) [1]:
Setup RSC User Account (y|n|?) [y]:
Username []: admin
User Permissions (c,u,a,r|none|?) [cuar]:
Verifying Selections
General Setup
Set RSC date now = y
Server Hostname = SFV890-SC
Set Customer Info = n
Is this correct (y|n): y
Ethernet Setup
IP Mode = config
IP Address =
IP Netmask =
IP Gateway =
Is this correct (y|n): y
Alert Setup
Email Enabled = n
Is this correct (y|n): y
Serial Port Setup
Serial Port Baud = 9600
Serial Port Data Bits = 8
Serial Port Parity = none
Serial Port Stop Bits = 1
Is this correct (y|n): y
User Setup
User Name = admin
User Permissions = cuar
Is this correct (y|n):y
This script will now update RSC, continue? (y|n): y
Updating flash, this takes a few minutes
Download completed successfully
Resetting RSC (takes about 90 seconds): DONE
Setting up server to update RSC date on boot: DONE
Setting up server hostname: DONE
Setting up ethernet interface: DONE
Disabling e-mail alerts: DONE
Disabling pager alerts: DONE
Disabling modem interface: DONE
Setting up serial port interface: DONE
Adding user to RSC:
rscadm: user already exists
when this script completes,
use the rscadm command to correct the error.
Resetting RSC (takes about 90 seconds):
Are you sure you want to reboot RSC (y/n)? y
Setting up RSC date: DONE
RSC has been successfully setup
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1. Login as root
2. Go to folder rsc
root # cd /usr/platform/`uname -i`/rsc
3. Do configure RSC
root # ./rsc-config
Continue with RSC setup (y|n): y
Set RSC date/time now (y|n|?) [y]:
Server Hostname [SFV890-SC]:
Edit customer info field (y|n|?) [n]:
Enable RSC Ethernet Interface (y|n|s|?) [n]: y
RSC IP Mode (config|dhcp|?) [dhcp]: config
RSC IP Address []:
RSC IP Netmask []:
RSC IP Gateway []:
Enable RSC Alerts (y|n|s|?) [n]: y
Enable Email Alerts (y|n) [n]:
Enable RSC Serial Port Interface (y|n|s|?) [n]: y
Serial port baud rate (9600|19200|38400|57600|115200) [9600]:
Serial port data bits (7|8) [8]:
Serial port parity (even|odd|none) [none]:
Serial port stop bits (1|2) [1]:
Setup RSC User Account (y|n|?) [y]:
Username []: admin
User Permissions (c,u,a,r|none|?) [cuar]:
Verifying Selections
General Setup
Set RSC date now = y
Server Hostname = SFV890-SC
Set Customer Info = n
Is this correct (y|n): y
Ethernet Setup
IP Mode = config
IP Address =
IP Netmask =
IP Gateway =
Is this correct (y|n): y
Alert Setup
Email Enabled = n
Is this correct (y|n): y
Serial Port Setup
Serial Port Baud = 9600
Serial Port Data Bits = 8
Serial Port Parity = none
Serial Port Stop Bits = 1
Is this correct (y|n): y
User Setup
User Name = admin
User Permissions = cuar
Is this correct (y|n):y
This script will now update RSC, continue? (y|n): y
Updating flash, this takes a few minutes
Download completed successfully
Resetting RSC (takes about 90 seconds): DONE
Setting up server to update RSC date on boot: DONE
Setting up server hostname: DONE
Setting up ethernet interface: DONE
Disabling e-mail alerts: DONE
Disabling pager alerts: DONE
Disabling modem interface: DONE
Setting up serial port interface: DONE
Adding user to RSC:
rscadm: user already exists
when this script completes,
use the rscadm command to correct the error.
Resetting RSC (takes about 90 seconds):
Are you sure you want to reboot RSC (y/n)? y
Setting up RSC date: DONE
RSC has been successfully setup
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