Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Setting RSC SunFire V890

Berikut cara setting RSC (Remote System Console) untuk server SF V890 :

1. Login as root
2. Go to folder rsc
root # cd /usr/platform/`uname -i`/rsc
3. Do configure RSC
root # ./rsc-config

Continue with RSC setup (y|n): y

Set RSC date/time now (y|n|?) [y]:
Server Hostname [SFV890-SC]:
Edit customer info field (y|n|?) [n]:
Enable RSC Ethernet Interface (y|n|s|?) [n]: y
RSC IP Mode (config|dhcp|?) [dhcp]: config
RSC IP Address []:
RSC IP Netmask []:
RSC IP Gateway []:
Enable RSC Alerts (y|n|s|?) [n]: y
Enable Email Alerts (y|n) [n]:
Enable RSC Serial Port Interface (y|n|s|?) [n]: y
Serial port baud rate (9600|19200|38400|57600|115200) [9600]:
Serial port data bits (7|8) [8]:
Serial port parity (even|odd|none) [none]:
Serial port stop bits (1|2) [1]:
Setup RSC User Account (y|n|?) [y]:
Username []: admin
User Permissions (c,u,a,r|none|?) [cuar]:

Verifying Selections

General Setup
Set RSC date now = y
Server Hostname = SFV890-SC
Set Customer Info = n

Is this correct (y|n): y

Ethernet Setup
IP Mode = config
IP Address =
IP Netmask =
IP Gateway =

Is this correct (y|n): y

Alert Setup
Email Enabled = n

Is this correct (y|n): y

Serial Port Setup
Serial Port Baud = 9600
Serial Port Data Bits = 8
Serial Port Parity = none
Serial Port Stop Bits = 1

Is this correct (y|n): y

User Setup
User Name = admin
User Permissions = cuar

Is this correct (y|n):y

This script will now update RSC, continue? (y|n): y
Updating flash, this takes a few minutes
Download completed successfully

Resetting RSC (takes about 90 seconds): DONE
Setting up server to update RSC date on boot: DONE
Setting up server hostname: DONE
Setting up ethernet interface: DONE
Disabling e-mail alerts: DONE
Disabling pager alerts: DONE
Disabling modem interface: DONE
Setting up serial port interface: DONE
Adding user to RSC:

rscadm: user already exists

when this script completes,
use the rscadm command to correct the error.

Resetting RSC (takes about 90 seconds):
Are you sure you want to reboot RSC (y/n)? y
Setting up RSC date: DONE

RSC has been successfully setup


1 komentar:

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