Berikut list administrasi super singkat tapi mudah-mudahan bisa digunakan oleh anda semua, berguna untuk administrasi server kelas high end SunFire E25K..memang tidak komplit banget,jadi maafkan saya yg bodoh ini.
How many domains 15/25k can support ? 18 domains
How many groups exist on platform ? Three -> platadm,platoper,platsvc
How many types of groups exists on domains Two. -> dmnadmn,dmnarcfg
What is the command used to add user to a group ? Smsconfig –a –u username –G platadm platform
what is the command to list the users ? smsconfig –l platform
How to check the platform information ? showplatform
How to login to domain console from sms console ? Console –d A
What are the different paths through which sc can communicate to domain ? - Through I1 Man network - Through IOSRAM
How we can toggle communication between I1 to IOSRAM incase if the domain console hangs ? ~=
How to disconnect domain console ? ~.
How to break to domain OK prompt ? ~#
How do you access the system controller if it hangs ? Issue smsconnectsc from sparesc
How do you reset the System controller ? Issue resetsc from another sc
How do you remove user from a group ? Smsconfig –r –u username –G platadm platform
Whats the command to use to update the flash ? Flashupdate
What command to use to reset domain from sc? reset –d A
How to stop and restart SMS ? /etc/init.d/sms stop /etc/init.d/sms start
What is the main daemon which starts reset of the SMS daemons ? Ssd ( Sms Startup Daemon )
How many daemons running on SMS ? 13 ( dsmd,efe,esmd,fomd,frad,hwad,kmd,mand,mld,osd,pcd,ssd,tmd)
How many agents running on SMS ? 2 ( dca , dxs)
Where are the log files located for platform messages ? /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/platform/messages
Where are the log files located for Domain messages ? /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/domain_id/messages
Where are the log files located for Domain console ? /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/domain_id/console
How to make the boards available to the domain ? Setupplatform –d A SB0 IO0
Whats the minimum requirement for a domain setup? 1. At leaset one CPU board with Memory 2. At least one IO board 3. At least one board with network interface
How to Add name to domain ? addtag –d A testname
How to delete domain tag ? deletetag –d A testname
How to add board to domain from system controller ? Addboard –d A SB0
How to just assign board to domain from system controller ? Addboard –d A -c assign SB0
How to remove and reconfigure board from a domain from system controller ? Deleteboard SB0
How to just unassign the board from domain from system controller ? Deleteboard–c unassign SB0
How to move boards between the domain from system controller ? Moveboard –d A SB1
How to remove all instances of previously active domain ? Sc0:> setdefaults –d A
How to check the boards status ? showboards
How to obtain the domain status ? Showplatform –d B
How to set date for sc ? Setdate xxxxxxxxxx
How to set date for domain from sc ? setdate –d B xxxxxxxxx
Device LAN nya dideteksi sebagai ce2 and ce6, IP untuk ce2 dan ce6 untuk virtual digunakan IP
root@S440A # ifconfig ce2 plumb netmask + broadcast + group group1 deprecated -failover up root@S440A # ifconfig ce2 addif netmask + broadcast + failover up root@S440A # ifconfig ce6 plumb netmask + broadcast + group group1 deprecated -failover standby up
Untuk membuat permanent configuration,buat file seperti ini
root@S440A # vi /etc/hostname.ce2 netmask + broadcast + group group1 deprecated -failover up addif netmask + broadcast + failover up wq!
root@S440A # vi /etc/hostname.ce6 netmask + broadcast + group group1 deprecated -failover standby up wq!
untuk cara testingnya : masukkan dua kabel yg sudah dikonfigure oleh team network ke ce2 dan ce6, kemudian dari server/host lain coba ping atau dengan option -s. Setelah itu baru test cabut kabel network ce2, dipastikan proses pin terus berjalan. Lalu test untuk ce6, masukkan/colokkan kembali kabel utp tadi yg dilepas ke ce2, lalu cabut kabel ce6nya.lihat hasilnya..... Read More..
root # more /etc/passwd .... .... userftp:x:2009:10:Ftp user only:/export/home/userftp:/bin/false
root # passwd userftp New Password: Re-enter new Password: passwd: password successfully changed for userftp root #
create file /etc/shells, because by default this file not found in system
root # more /etc/shells /etc/shells: No such file or directory root #
root # vi /etc/shells /bin/bash /bin/csh /bin/ /bin/hash /bin/jsh /bin/ksh /bin/pfcsh /bin/pfksh /bin/pfsh /bin/remsh /bin/rksh /bin/rsh /bin/sh /bin/ssh /bin/tcsh /bin/zsh /bin/ftpaccess /sbin/sh # add this line /bin/false wq!
Now we check, after setting userftp only can ftp no telnet and ssh...
root # ftp localhost Connected to localhost. 220 myhost FTP server ready. Name (localhost:root): userftp 331 Password required for userftp. Password: 230 User userftp logged in. Remote system type is UNIX. Using binary mode to transfer files. ftp> bye 221-You have transferred 0 bytes in 0 files. 221-Total traffic for this session was 229 bytes in 0 transfers. 221-Thank you for using the FTP service on myhost. 221 Goodbye.
root # telnet localhost Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'.
SunOS 5.9
login: userftp Password: Last login: Tue Sep 1 21:48:29 from localhost Connection to localhost closed by foreign host.
root # ssh userftp@localhost userftp@localhost's password: Last login: Tue Sep 1 21:49:22 2009 from localhost Connection to localhost closed. root #
When finished installing the OS on the system, the following steps to improve the OS configuration : 1. Install Patches
Insert DVD EIS to cdrom/dvdrom device root # cd /cdrom/eis-dvd/sun/install root # ./ root # . /.profile root # cd /cdrom/eis-dvd/sun/patch/9 ---ini bisa disesuaikan dengan solaris serinya root # unpack-patches /tmp root # cd /tmp/9 root # eject ----buat ngeluarin cdrom root # ./install_patches
2. Setting IP address syntax : #ifconfig [interface] plumb
* Sorry ini sumbernya lupa dari mana,tapi cukup berguna buat yang saya * General 1. Creating a Volume 1.1 Creating a Concatenated Volume 1.2 Creating a Striped Volume 1.3 Creating a RAID-5 Volume 2. Extending a Volume 2.1 Extending a volume up to certain length, 2.2 Extending by a Given Length 3. Shrinking a Volume 3.1 Shrinking to a Given Length 3.2 Shrinking by a Given Length 4. Removing a Volume 5. Mirroring a Volume 5.1 Creating & Mirroring a New Volume 5.2 Mirroring an Existing Volume 5.3 Mirroring All Volumes
6. Removing a Mirror 7. Adding a RAID-5 Log 8. Adding a DRL Log 9. Removing a RAID-5 Log 10.Preparing a Volume for Online Backup 11.Displaying Volume Configuration Information
General The vxassist utility in Veritas Volume Manager is used to create volumes, add mirrors and logs to existing volumes, extend and shrink existing volumes, provides for the migration of data from a specified set of disks, and provides facilities for the on-line backup of existing volumes. The default behavior of vxassist is to create volumes in the rootdg diskgroup if diskgroup is not specified . The default length is taken as number of blocks but this can be specified in Kilobytes orMegabytes or Gigabytes.
* Download package TOP (utility for see prosess daemon/file in system)in
root # pkgadd -d top-3.6.1-sol9-sparc-local
The following packages are available: 1 SMCtop top (sparc) 3.6.1
Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: 1
Processing package instance from
top (sparc) 3.6.1
This appears to be an attempt to install the same architecture and version of a package which is already installed. This installation will attempt to overwrite this package.
LeFebvre et al Using as the package base directory. ## Processing package information. ## Processing system information. 17 package pathnames are already properly installed. ## Verifying disk space requirements. ## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed. ## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.
Installing top as
## Installing part 1 of 1. [ verifying class ]
Installation of was successful.
root # /usr/local/bin/top last pid: 19787; load avg: 0.07, 0.04, 0.04; up 191+17:57:56 11:23:44 97 processes: 96 sleeping, 1 on cpu CPU states: 94.1% idle, 5.4% user, 0.5% kernel, 0.0% iowait, 0.0% swap Memory: 2048M phys mem, 94M free mem, 1024M total swap, 908M free swap
Hari ini coba install Mseries (M4000) persiapan buat instalasi di salah satu customer, Planning di customer ingin mengkloning server dari SF 890 ke M4000. Kita asumsikan sama2 menggunakan OS solaris 10. Kebetulan dikantor ada server SF V210 dengan 2 disk, diputuskan simulasi dengan server tersebut.
Pertama dibuat Flar archive dari server V120 ini diberinama FlarTest, commandnya :
bash-3.00 # flarcreate -n "FlarTest-os" -c -R / /export/home/FlarTest.flar Full Flash Checking integrity... Integrity OK. Running precreation scripts... Precreation scripts done. Determining the size of the archive...
setalah hampir 2 jam lebih file archive berhasil dibuat, pada saat M4000 dinyalakan dan dimasukan DVD installer solaris 10 11/06, proses boot gagal dengan output seperti berikut :
krtld: load_exec: fail to expand cpu/$CPU krtld: error during initial load/link phase panic - boot: exitto64 returned from client program ok
Waduh !!..googling dan nyari dokumen di sunsolve, akhirnya ketemua bahwa Mseries harus menggunakan Solaris 10 5/08 keatas, pantesan ga bisa buat boot Mseries. Download di webnya, burning dan test buat boot ...dan berhasil. Proses instalasi menggunakan NFS dengan metode flash (flar archive). Read More..
Apa itu Rlogin? menurut definisi yg saya tau sih, supaya kita bisa masuk dari system 1 ke system 2 dengan tanpa meminta password root lagi (agak riskan sih, dan sebenarnya tidak disarankan oleh audit security system) kalo menurut manual systemnya rlogin adalah
rlogin establishes a remote login session from your terminal to the remote machine named hostname. Hostnames are listed in the hosts database, which may be contained in the /etc/hosts file, the Network Information Service (NIS) hosts map, the Internet domain name server, or a combination of these. Each host has one official name (the first name in the database entry), and optionally one or more nicknames. Either official hostnames or nicknames may be specified in hostname.
Berikut langkah-langkah untuk rlogin yg dimaksud : 1. Cek Daemon rlogin, root # more /etc/inetd.conf
Ceritanya, user mau nambah mounpoint /data_backup sebesar 900Gb. Filesystem dimanage oleh veritas Volume Manager (VxVM), OS yang digunakan solaris 9 type server SunFire 890. Setelah team storage confirm kalau disk baru sebesar 900gb sudah diassaign, pas dicheck disisi server ternyata sudah berhasil dikenal oleh server sebagai :
root # format c4t50060E80042AB044d15: configured with capacity of 900.62GB c6t50060E80042AB054d15: configured with capacity of 900.62GB
Ehm,ternyata sudah multipath disknya. pada saat prosess penambahan mounpoint itulah error messages muncul. Bolak-balik nyari solusi,searching di google, cari di tidak menemukan jawaban untuk case ini. Nah pas baca manual mengenail vxassist ternyata solusinya sepele saja, yaitu :
Before : root # vxassist -g extdg make extdata66 900gb alloc=extdg09 VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-334 900gb: Invalid length specification
root # vxassist -g extdg make extdata66 900g alloc=extdg09
Akhirnya solve juga case ini,hal sepele tapi cukup merepotkan... Read More..
Berhubung blog yg lama,datanya entah kemana (karena salah customize)hehehehe...maklum newbie.
Jadi sementara waktu inilah blog yg akan digunakan, akan ada beberapa kategori dalam blog ini salah satunya mengenai aktivitas termasuk trik tentang solaris. Semoga berguna Read More..